Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Meyer, Linda; Gouvier, Wm Drew; Duke, Marcus; Advokat, Claire |
Titel | Influence of Social Context on Reported Attitudes of Nondisabled Students toward Students with Disabilities. |
Quelle | In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 45 (2001) 1, S.50-52 |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 0034-3552 |
Schlagwörter | College Students; Disabilities; Higher Education; Peer Relationship; Rehabilitation Counseling; Special Needs Students; Student Attitudes; Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons Scale |
Abstract | The Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons scale was completed by groups of university students with a disability and their nondisabled peers in the presence of either another student with a disability or a nondisabled student. Results showed that the presence of a person with disabilities improved the reported attitudes of individuals without disabilities. (Contains 12 references.) (Author) |
Erfasst von | ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC |