Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/inn/en | Akkok, Fusun; und weitere |
Titel | The Relationship between Stress and the Causal Attributions of Mothers and Fathers of Children with Mental Disabilities and Autism. |
Quelle | (1996), (15 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; online; Monographie |
Schlagwörter | Attribution Theory; Autism; Coping; Family Influence; Foreign Countries; Mental Retardation; Parent Attitudes; Parent Child Relationship; Questionnaires; Stress Variables; Turkey |
Abstract | The causal attributions of 142 parents (80 mothers and 62 fathers) of Turkish children with mental retardation and autism for their child's disabilities were investigated in this study, which also examined the relationship of these attributions with stress. Parents were given a questionnaire designed to tap potential parental causal attributions for their child's disability. Results revealed that parental causal attributions were grouped under four factors: personal characteristics and conflicts with the family (self-family domain); spouse and others (external blame); external specific situations like work and environmentally related problems (specific external condition); and attributions to fate and bad luck. The level of stress in the parent-child relationship was significantly related to causal attribution. Mothers with higher stress were found to make attributions to bad luck. The age of the child, the type of disability, and attributions to the self-family domain and external blame appeared as significant variables for the fathers. Fathers who had children with mental disabilities rather than autism were found to have more stress. However, mothers had less stress if they had children with mental disabilities. (Contains 22 references.) (Author/CR) |
Erfasst von | ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC |