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Autor/inn/enAfflerbach, Peter P.; und weitere
InstitutionNational Reading Research Center, Athens, GA.; National Reading Research Center, College Park, MD.
TitelBarriers to the Implementation of a Statewide Performance Program: School Personnel Perspectives. Reading Research Report No. 51.
Quelle(1996), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Research; Educational Change; Elementary Education; Performance Based Assessment; Program Implementation; Staff Role; State Programs; Teacher Attitudes
AbstractA study examined school personnel perspectives on barriers to the implementation of a statewide program to influence change in curriculum and instruction. Interviews were conducted with personnel from 5 schools and districts and generally positive results were reported in moving from their existing curriculum and assessment programs to the mandated state program. Interview data from teachers, principals, and curriculum coordinators demonstrated that adherence to the mandated statewide program was not without considerable challenges. School personnel reported that the implementation of the program and intended school change was made difficult by barriers related to the lack of alignment between existing and mandated instruction and performance assessment, lack of alignment between teacher practices and beliefs with those implicit in the statewide program, lack of resources to help implement change mandated by the state program, the performance assessment materials and procedures themselves, and the lack of sufficient communication from the state-related to the mandated program. Results suggest that overcoming the barriers to implementation of the statewide program requires a systematic approach that provides the resources to support change of classroom practice, helpful communication between those people involved in the curriculum, instruction, and assessment change processes, and ongoing refinement of the assessment program and the performance assessment materials and procedures. (Contains 21 references.) (Author/RS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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