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Autor/inn/enMasban, Masban; Sudirman, Sudirman; Fahruddin, Fahruddin
TitelPlanning of Academic Supervision by Primary School Supervisors in West Lombok District, Indonesia.
QuelleIn: Traektoriâ nauki, 8 (2022) 10, S. 5013-5019
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildung; Planung; Schulleitung; Grundschule; Coaching; Lehrpersonal
AbstractThis study aims to describe the planning and implementation of Academic Supervision by elementary school supervisors in West Lombok Regency.This type of research is qualitative research. Data were taken from interviews, observations and documentation. Credibility, transferability, dependability and comparability tests were conducted to test the data's validity.The results of this study reveal that supervisors have an essential role in planning academic supervision, namely, from planning and implementation control's schedule to discussing with the teacher the contents of the instrument to be used during academic supervision so that teachers can carry out their duties without feeling supervised.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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