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Autor/inRempfler, Armin
TitelSystems concepts of youths.
Design and results of an explorative pilot study on the topic of avalanches.
Paralleltitel: Systemvorstellungen von Jugendlichen : Konzeption und Ergebnisse einer explorativen Pilotstudie zum Thema Lawinen.
QuelleIn: Die Erde, 141 (2010) 4, S. 341-359
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BeigabenTabellen; Abbildungen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0013-9998; 2749-9987
SchlagwörterSystemisches Denken; Didaktik; Unterricht; Geografie; Geografieunterricht; Lawine; Alltagsvorstellung; Systemkompetenz
AbstractAlthough systems concepts have a prominent place in geography as a school subject, the related way of thinking - systems thinking - is not clearly defined to date and few empirical studies on the subject exist. From a geographical point of view, the theoretical foundations of a systems understanding that meets the characteristics of human-environment systems prove to be particularly challenging. The following article uses this as a starting point by formulating a definition of the term based on empirical results and by presenting the current state of systems thinking research. Following this, a pilot study which investigates the scientific and systemic perceptions of youths on the subject of snow avalanches is presented, with the goal of obtaining background information for a planned intervention study. (Orig.).
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