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Autor/inn/enFletcher, Tim; Ní Chróinín, Déirdre; O'Sullivan, Mary; Beni, Stephanie
TitelPre-service teachers articulating their learning about meaningful physical education.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Vorbereitungslehrer, die ihr Lernen über sinnvollen Sportunterricht artikulieren.
QuelleIn: European physical education review, 26 (2020) 4, S. 885-902Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1356-336X; 1741-2749
SchlagwörterInterview; Lehrerausbildung; Lehrerfortbildung; Lehrersprache; Curriculum; Sprachanalyse; Bewegung (Motorische); Schulsport; Sportpädagogik; Sportunterricht; Sprachwissenschaft; Bedeutung; Innovation; Irland; Kanada
AbstractThe purpose of this research was to examine pre-service teachers' articulation of their learning through the development of a shared professional language of teaching practice focused on meaningful physical education. Qualitative data gathered from 90 pre-service teachers over four years in Canada and Ireland were analysed. Framed by a didactical research framework, pre-service teachers used elements of the shared language to articulate why they would promote meaningful experiences in physical education, what the features of meaningful experiences tend to consist of, and how they would use particular strategies to promote meaningful experiences. This research demonstrates how a shared language that reflects a coherent approach in physical education teacher education can support pre-service teachers to access, interpret, and articulate their learning about teaching in ways that support meaningful experiences for pupils. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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