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Autor/inn/enCronholm, Felix; Lindgren, Erik; Rosengren, Björn E.; Dencker, Magnus; Karlsson, Caroline; Karlsson, Magnus K.
TitelDaily school physical activity from before to after puberty improves bone mass and a musculoskeletal composite risk score for fracture.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Tägliche körperliche Aktivität in der Schule von vor bis nach der Pubertät verbessert die Knochenmasse sowie einen muskuloskelettalen Frakturrisiko-Kennwert.
QuelleIn: Sports, 8 (2020) 4, [10 S.]
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmpirische Untersuchung; Pubertät; Kind; Schule; Knochen; Muskelkraft; Muskulatur; Orthopädie; Schriftart; Dichte (Phys); Bewegungsverhalten; Sportmedizin; Prävention
AbstractThis 7.5-year prospective controlled exercise intervention study assessed if daily school physical activity (PA), from before to after puberty, improved musculoskeletal traits. There were 63 boys and 34 girls in the intervention group (40 min PA/day), and 26 boys and 17 girls in the control group (60 min PA/week). We measured musculoskeletal traits at the start and end of the study. The overall musculoskeletal effect of PA was also estimated by a composite score (mean Z-score of the lumbar spine bone mineral content (BMC), bone area (BA), total body lean mass (TBLM), calcaneal ultrasound (speed of sound (SOS)), and muscle strength (knee flexion peak torque)). We used analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) for group comparisons. Compared to the gender-matched control group, intervention boys reached higher gains in BMC, BA, muscle strength, as well as in the composite score, and intervention girls higher gains in BMC, BA, SOS, as well as in the composite score (all p ( 0.05, respectively). Our small sample study indicates that a daily school-based PA intervention program from Tanner stage 1 to 5 in both sexes is associated with greater bone mineral accrual, greater gain in bone size, and a greater gain in a musculoskeletal composite score for fractures. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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