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Autor/inn/enCohen, Scott; Hanna, Paul; Higham, James; Hopkins, Debbie; Orchiston, Caroline
TitelGender discourses in academic mobility.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Geschlechtsspezifische Diskurse bezüglich der Mobilität von Akademikern.
QuelleIn: Gender, work & organization, 27 (2020) 2, S. 149-165
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0968-6673; 1468-0432
SchlagwörterMobilitätsbarriere; Familie; Mutter; Vater; Frau; Regionale Mobilität; Auslandstätigkeit; Beruf; Berufliche Mobilität; Hochschullehrer; Akademiker; Diskurs; Geschlechtsspezifik; Wissenschaftler; Neuseeland
Abstract"Despite increasing geographic mobility among academic staff, gendered patterns of involvement in academic mobility have largely escaped scrutiny. Positioned within literatures on internationalisation, physical proximity, gender and parenthood in academic mobility and understandings of gender as a process enacted through both discursive and embodied practices, we use discourse analysis based on interviews with academics in New Zealand to examine differences in language that create differing realities with regards to gender and obligations of care in academic mobility decisions. The findings reveal how academic mobility is discursively formulated as 'essential' to successful academic careers, with the need for frequent travel justified despite advances in virtual communication technologies. Heteronormative discourses are shown to disrupt and fragment the opportunities female academics have to engage in academic mobility. However, we also uncover ways in which these discourses are resisted, wherein fathers articulate emotional strain associated with academic mobility. The paper shows how discourse works to constitute the essentialisation of academic mobility, and the uneven gendered practices associated with it, whilst also giving voice to gender inequities in academic mobility from the southern hemisphere." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
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