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Autor/inReimers, Fernando M.
TitelEducating Students to Improve the World.
1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), X, 131 S.
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ReiheSpringerBriefs in Education
BeigabenIllustrationen 7; farbige Illustrationen 6
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-3887-2; 9789811538865; 9789811538889
SchlagwörterBildungssoziologie; Bildungssystem; Bildungspolitik; Lernen; Curriculum; Unterrichtsprozess
AbstractContent: 1 Introduction. A multidimensional approach to global education -- 2 What is global education and why does it matter? -- 3 A cultural perspective and global education -- 4 A psychological perspective and global education -- 5 A professional perspective and global education -- 6 An institutional perspective and global education -- 7 A political perspective and global education -- 8 Conclusions. Integrating the five perspectives. (Verlag).
Erfasst vonSpringer Nature
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