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Autor/inn/enTan, Yuh Huann; Tan, Seng Chee
TitelConceptions of Knowledge Creation, Knowledge and Knowing.
A Phenomenography of Singapore Chinese Language Teachers. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XV, 191 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 26; farbige Illustrationen 23
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-3563-5; 978-981-15-3564-2; 978-981-15-3565-9; 978-981-15-3566-6
SchlagwörterBildung; Lehrerbildung; Unterrichtsprozess; Unterricht; Sprache; Sprachunterricht; Studium
AbstractThis book responds to calls for further advancing knowledge creation in schools. It examines sixteen Chinese Language teachers from Singapore, since language teachers are primarily responsible for the basic literacy that is the foundation of students' lifelong learning. Positing that people's cultural beliefs and the language(s) they use are inseparable, the book argues that Chinese language teachers possess a unique understanding of the various phenomena that reflect the influences of Chinese culture by virtue of the language they speak and teach. For the purposes of the investigation, it employs phenomenography - a methodology aimed at finding and systematising how people interpret the world around them - to determine and describe Chinese language teachers' conceptions of these phenomena. Contents: Chapter 1. Why a Study on Teachers' Conception of Knowledge Creation -- Chapter 2. Understanding Knowledge Creation -- Chapter 3. Understanding Personal Epistemology -- Chapter 4. Designing the Phenomenographic Study and Constituting the Outcome Spaces -- Chapter 5. Teachers' Conceptions of Knowledge and Knowing -- Chapter 6. Teachers' Conceptions on the Phenomenon of Knowledge Creation in General -- Chapter 7. Teachers' Conceptions on the Phenomenon of Knowledge Creation in Education -- Chapter 8. Discussions on Teachers' Conceptions on the Phenomena of Knowledge, Knowing, and Knowledge Creation -- Chapter 9. Conclusions -- Appendix A: Interview Questions and the Translations in Chinese -- Appendix B: A Simple Transcription Scheme.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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