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Sonst. PersonenDodigovic, Marina (Hrsg.); Agustín-Llach, María Pilar (Hrsg.)
TitelVocabulary in Curriculum Planning.
Needs, Strategies and Tools. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XVIII, 227 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 20; farbige Illustrationen 11
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-48662-4; 978-3-030-48663-1; 978-3-030-48664-8; 978-3-030-48665-5
SchlagwörterBildung; Erziehung; Angewandte Linguistik; Linguistik; Sprache; Studium
AbstractThis edited book brings together a collection of perspectives and studies on the role and potential uses of vocabulary assessment in second and foreign language learners' needs analysis. Assessing what vocabulary a student already knows - and what therefore might be a realistic goal for language learning - is an essential aspect of developing and delivering effective foreign language classes. The chapters in this book address what has so far been an under-researched aspect of classroom needs analysis, exploring the influence of vocabulary tests, the lexical profiles of teaching materials, and learner as well as teacher beliefs and practices. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of applied linguistics and TESOL, language teachers and teacher trainers, and educators engaged in assessment and evaluation. Marina Dodigovic is Honorary Professor of TESOL at the University of La Rioja, Spain and Senior Research Fellow, Republic of Croatia. María Pilar Agustín-Llach is Full Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of La Rioja, Spain. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction to Vocabulary Based Needs Analysis (Marina Dodigovic and María Pilar Agustín-Llach) -- Part 1: Some Lexical Principles for Needs Analysis -- Chapter 2: Vocabulary Size Assessment: Assessing the Vocabulary Needs of Learners in Relation to Their CEFR (James Milton and Thomai Alexiou) -- Chapter 3: The Comparison of Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Size of Afghan Tertiary Students (Mohammad Asif Amin) -- Chapter 4: How Does Vocabulary Knowledge Relate to Reading Comprehension? (Xuerong Wei) -- Part 2: Understanding Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Another Language -- Chapter 5: Vocabulary Size and Strategies of English Learners in Armenia: What the Research Says (Marina Dodigovic, Rubina Gasparyan, Syuzanna Torosyan and Mary Alik Karamanoukian) -- Chapter 6: Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Armenian EFL Students (Hripsime Manoukyan) -- Chapter 7: Cognitive and Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Insights From Learning Diaries (Brankica Bosnjak Terzic and Visnja Pavicic Takac) -- Part 3: Examining Lexical Errors -- Chapter 8: Lexical Errors in the Writing of EFL Students in the Armenian Context (Nektar Harutyunyan and Marina Dodigovic) -- Chapter 9: Semantic and Conceptual Transfer in FL: Multicultural and Multilingual Competences (María Pilar Agustín-Llach) -- Part 4: Developing Needs Based Procedures and Tools to Support Vocabulary Learning -- Chapter 10: Fostering the Teaching of Cultural Vocabulary in EFL Contexts (Andres Canga Alonso) -- Chapter 11: DIY Needs Analysis and Specific Text Types: Using The Prime Machine to Explore Vocabulary in Ready Made and Homemade English Corpora (Stephen Jeaco).
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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