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Sonst. PersonenQuaye, Stephen John (Hrsg.); Harper, Shaun R. (Hrsg.); Pendakur, Sumun L. (Hrsg.)
TitelStudent engagement in higher education.
Theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for diverse populations. Third edition.
QuelleNew York, NY: Routledge (2020), xviii, 417 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-0-367-00222-0; 978-0-367-00224-4; 9780429400698
SchlagwörterMultikulturelle Erziehung; Engagement; Hochschulbildung; Aufsatzsammlung; Vielfalt; Student; Studentin; USA
Abstract"In the updated edition of this important volume, the editors and chapter contributors explore how diverse populations of students experience college differently and encounter group-specific barriers to success. Informed by relevant theories, each chapter focuses on engaging a different student population, including low-income students, students of color, international students, students with disabilities, religious minority students, student-athletes, part-time students, adult learners, military-connected students, graduate students, and others. New in this 3rd edition is the inclusion of chapters on Indigenous students, student activists, transracial Asian American adoptee students, justice-involved students, student-parents, first generation students, and undocumented students. The forward-thinking, practical, anti-deficit-oriented strategies offered throughout the book are based on research and the collected professional wisdom of experienced educators and scholars at a range of postsecondary institutions. Current and future faculty members, higher education administrators, and student affairs educators will undoubtedly find this book complete with fresh ideas to reverse troubling engagement trends among various college student populations"--. Contents: The Heart of Our Work: Equitable Engagement for Students in U.S. Higher Education / Sumun L. Pendakur, Stephen John Quaye, and Shaun R. Harper -- Engaging Students of Color / Samuel D. Museus, Kimberly A. Griffin, and Stephen John Quaye -- Engaging Multiracial Students / C. Casey Ozaki, Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero, and Kristen A. Renn -- Engaging Transracial Asian American Adoptee Students / Aeriel A. Ashlee -- Engaging Indigenous Students / Erin Kahunawaika'ala Wright and Heather J. Shotton -- Engaging White Students / Nolan L. Cabrera, Chris Corces-Zimmerman, and Jamie Utt -- Engaging International Students / Jenny J. Lee and Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez -- Engaging Undocumented Students / Susana M. Muñoz -- Engaging Student Activists / Charles H.F. Davis III, Sy Stokes, and Demetri L. Morgan -- Engaging Queer Students / Shaun R. Harper and Kaylan S. Baxter -- Engaging Transgender Students / D. Chase J. Catalano, Z Nicolazzo, and T.J. Jourian -- Engaging Cisgender Women and Men Students / Christopher M. Fiorello and Jaime Lester -- Engaging Religious Minority Students / Shafiqa Ahmadi, Darnell G. Cole, and Bo Lee -- Engaging Students with Disabilities / Kirsten R. Brown and Ellen M. Broido -- Engaging Student-Athletes / Joy Gaston GayleRebecca E. Crandall -- Engaging Justice-Involved Students / Royel M. Johnson and Joshua Abreu -- Engaging First-Generation Students / Georgia Kouzoukas -- Engaging Poor and Working-Class Students / Sonja Ardoin -- Engaging Commuter, Part-Time, and Returning Adult Students / Barbara Jacoby -- Engaging Military-Connected Students / Stephanie Bondi, Denise N. Williams-Klotz, Ann M. Gansemer-Topf, and Corey B. Rumann -- Engaging Graduate and Professional Students / Susan K. Gardner and Marco Barker -- Engaging Student-Parents / Margaret W. Sallee -- Afterword / Vijay Pendaku.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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