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Autor/inSimpson, Patricia A.
TitelThe play world.
Toys, texts, and the transatlantic German childhood.
QuelleUniversity Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press (2020), xix, 291 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheThe Max Kade Research Institute series: Germans beyond Europe
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterPädagogik; Bildungsgeschichte; Kind; Spiel; Absolutismus; Geschichte (Histor); 19. Jahrhundert; 20. Jahrhundert; 21. Jahrhundert; Aufklärung (Epoche); Deutschland
Abstract"Examines German theories and practices of play, parenting, and pedagogy from 1631 to 1912. Explores the role of the domestic sphere and home economies in establishing transatlantic networks that influenced the emergence of gender, class, race, and religious identities for Germans beyond Europe"-- Contents: The Protestant play ethic -- Professional parenting : enlightened play -- Revolutions in play -- Colonizing childhoods : the African imaginary -- Ethnographic play and the American imaginary -- The home and the nation -- Empire of toys.
Erfasst vonBBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF, Berlin
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