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Autor/inn/enStoeva, Valentina; Tsvetkova, Milena
TitelRethinking Emergent Reader's Policies: The Mediating Roles of the Parents in the Light of the Theory of "First Thousand Days".
QuelleAus: Valkanova, Vesselina (Hrsg.); Eftimova, Andreana (Hrsg.); Mihailov, Nikolai (Hrsg.); Petrova, Teodora (Hrsg.); Efremov, Efrem (Hrsg.); Kalinov, Kalin (Hrsg.): Communication Management: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century. Sofia (2020) S. 311-328
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Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterFamilie; Leseverhalten; Medientheorie; Frühpädagogik; Lesen; Lesenlernen
AbstractThis paper revises the category of the emergent reader in the light of the media theory of reading. The purpose is to find a solution to the long-occurring problems of the readers from the age of the television and the digital age, among which are easier reading refusal, reading incomprehension and susceptibility to manipulation when reading. Methods: Systematic and critical analysis was applied to the studies of the new theory of the First Thousand Days of Life, as well as to the effects of the preliteracy and emergent literacy programs. We also took into account the findings and the recommendations for future research on the developing readers, formulated in the "Stavanger Declaration Concerning the Future of Reading" published in January 2019. The results show that reading foundations are laid much earlier before it was ever thought - a circumstance that is underestimated by parents, politicians, educators and even researchers. Taking into account the increasing risks in the global reading medium, we propose the development of policies for expert trainings on "future image" of the child, professional mentor son home and family reading and personal tutors for reading culture.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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