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Autor/inCigman, Ruth
TitelCherishing and the good life of learning.
Ethics, education, upbringing.
QuelleLondon: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2018), x, 210 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheBloomsbury Philosophy of Education
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-4742-7882-9; 978-1-4742-7884-3; 978-1-4742-7885-0
SchlagwörterBildung; Erziehung; Philosophie
AbstractCover -- Half Title -- Series -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Series Editor's Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Part One We Need to Talk About Children -- 1 A Sense of Moral Crisis -- 1957 -- Rationality in teaching -- Cherishing children -- Real teaching -- How should we proceed? -- 2 Ministering to the Good -- Dramas of unlearning -- Teaching, learning and conversation -- Education, practices and the acquisition of virtue -- The idea of a ministrative practice -- A Wittgensteinian reminder -- Part Two Enhancing Children -- 3 Should We Try to Make Children Happy? -- The positivity turn -- The science of happiness -- Deepening understanding -- Wanting happiness on behalf of another -- 'Happiness is not the goal of life' -- Happy moments -- What is wrong with unhappiness? -- 4 Should We Equip Children for Twenty-First-Century Life? -- What's the point of school? -- Is emotional education risky? -- What do children need and what do schools provide? -- Disciplines and Discipline -- 5 Should We Promote Flourishing Through Virtue? -- Aristotelian Character Education -- People and kinds of people -- How wise was Solon, really? -- Closing remarks: Thinking about reason and knowledge -- 6 Should We Foster Respect Through Inclusion? -- Special conversational needs -- What is inclusion? -- Plumbing problems -- This person, that person -- Part Three Cherishing Children -- 7 Humanness and the Difficulty of Reality -- The nature of the phenomenon -- The difficulty of reality -- Thinking about infancy -- 'A Tremendous Development' -- 8 Aristotle and the Transformation of Emotion -- Difficulties of reality? -- Aristotle on beginnings -- Phronesis and its temptations -- A Dystopian vision -- Conversational responsiveness revisited -- 9 An Ethic of Cherishing -- The good-enough parent as moral exemplar -- How much reality can we bear? Reflections on method -- How can we talk about people? -- A note about language -- Epilogue -- Bibliography -- Index.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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