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Autor/inn/enHaddock-Fraser, Janet; Rands, Peter Nigel; Scoffham, Stephen
TitelLeadership for sustainability in higher education.
QuelleLondon: Bloomsbury Academic (2018), xii, 222 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReihePerspectives on Leadership in Higher Education
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-350-00611-9; 978-1-350-00612-6
SchlagwörterFührung; Nachhaltigkeit; Hochschulbildung; Führungskraft
AbstractCover -- Half Title -- Series -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Illustrations -- Abbreviations -- Series Editors' Foreword -- Introduction -- Aims -- Leadership challenges -- Structure of the book -- Part A (Chapters 1-3) -- Part B (Chapters 4 and 5) -- Part C (Chapters 6-8) -- Part D (Chapters 9-12) -- Conclusion -- Part A Core Concepts for Higher Education, Leadership and Sustainability -- 1 Leadership and Leadership for Sustainability -- Introduction -- Core leadership theories -- The individual as a leader -- Situational context -- Power and leadership -- The best way to lead? -- Leadership for sustainability -- Is leadership for sustainability different from 'good' leadership? -- Goal definition -- Competing priorities in the institution -- Complexity of decision-making processes -- Theories in leadership for sustainability -- Traits, styles and skills -- Transformational leadership -- Deep systems leadership -- Individual and contextual approaches to leadership -- Conclusion -- 2 Perspectives on Sustainability and Higher Education Responses -- Introduction -- Introducing sustainability: An evolving concept -- The present context -- The origins of sustainability thinking -- Sustainability in the twenty-first century -- Developments in higher education -- National and international associations -- Greening of estates -- The sustainability-literate student -- New ideas about the role of higher education -- Conclusion -- 3 The Higher Education Sector -- Introduction -- Main drivers affecting higher education -- Universities and the notion of 'public good' -- Universities 'for the public good'? -- Stakeholder power and influence -- Employers, business community and professional bodies -- Students and staff -- Organizational culture, structures and decision-making -- Conclusion -- Part B Decision-Making for Sustainability.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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