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Autor/inHeywood, Colin
TitelChildhood in modern Europe.
QuelleCambridge; New York; Melbourne; New Dehli; Singapore: Cambridge University Press (2018), x, 286 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheNew approaches to European history. 56
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben S. 276-279
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-0-521-68525-2; 978-0-521-86623-1
SchlagwörterPädagogik; Bildungsgeschichte; Kind; Schule; Geschichte (Histor); Kinderarbeit; Soziologie; 19. Jahrhundert; 20. Jahrhundert; 21. Jahrhundert; Aufklärung (Epoche); Urbanität; Europa
Abstract"This invaluable introduction to the history of childhood in both western and eastern Europe between c.1700 and 2000 seeks to give a voice to children as well as adults wherever possible. The work is divided into three parts, covering in turn childhood in rural village societies during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; in the towns during the Industrial Revolution period (c.1750-1870); and in society generally during the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Each part has a succinct introduction to a number of key topics, such as conceptions of childhood; infant and child mortality; the material conditions of children; their cultural life; the welfare facilities available to them from charities and the state; and the balance of work and schooling. Combining a chronological with a thematic approach, this book will be of particular interest to students and academics in a number of disciplines, including History, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Literature and Education"--.
Erfasst vonBBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF, Berlin
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