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Sonst. PersonenDegenhardt, Sven (Hrsg.); Ebrahimi, Amrollah (Hrsg.); Nasiri Dehsorkhi, Hamid (Hrsg.); Schroeder, Joachim (Hrsg.)
TitelDialogues on disability and inclusion between Isfahan and Hamburg.
First results gained in a research project within the DAAD program "Higher Education Dialogue with the Islamic world".
QuelleNorderstedt: Books on Demand (2018), 232 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterVergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft; Inklusion; Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Behinderung; Sonderpädagogik; Barrierefreiheit
AbstractScientists and students of the Universities in Isfahan and Hamburg are in an intensive dialogue on the social and cultural challenges as well as on education- and curriculum-related issues in putting the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) into effective practice in both cities. The project intends to strengthen three areas of dialogue: (1) the international scientific dialogue between the two universities on concepts such as disability, rehabilitation, inclusion, accessibility or universal design; (2) municipal dialogues between each university and the specific local organizations and institutions working for the disabled; (3) the institutional dialogue for putting the UNCRPD into practice in the respective university context in Isfahan and Hamburg and on the further development of the curricula and of teaching formats. The book presents first results of the project and thematically relevant contributions of research groups in Iran, Germany and other countries. (Verlag).
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