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Autor/inWright, Ruth
TitelIs Gramsci dead: Revisiting hegemony in 21st century music education.
QuelleAus: Clausen, Bernd (Hrsg.); Dreßler, Susanne (Hrsg.): Soziale Aspekte des Musiklernens. Münster; New York: Waxmann (2018) S. 13-26
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ReiheMusikpädagogische Forschung. 39
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-8309-3872-9; 978-3-8309-8872-4
SchlagwörterLernen; Musik; Musikunterricht; Transformation; Gramsci, Antonio
AbstractThis paper considers three of the questions posed by the AMPF conference this year: whether (and if so, how, my insertion) music education as a discipline has adapted to social changes? what forms of resistance it has produced and might yet produce? and what innovations it might yield? They are considered in the light of Gramsci's concept of hegemony, the ideas presented in Small's (1977) work Music, Society, Education and Day's refutation of Gramsci and the 'hegemony of hegemony'. It is suggested that anarchist social theory may offer some useful routes of resistance to the hegemonic effects of neoliberal educational policy on music education and offer some slight potential for Small's ideas still to become a reality at a future date. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonProfessur für Musikpädagogik an der NORD Universität Levanger
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