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Autor/inn/enWohlkinger, Florian; Bayer, Michael; Ditton, Hartmut
TitelMeasuring self-concept in the NEPS.
QuelleAus: Blossfeld, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.); Maurice, Jutta von (Hrsg.); Bayer, Michael (Hrsg.); Skopek, Jan (Hrsg.): Methodological issues of longitudinal surveys. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (2016) S. 181-193
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-658-11992-8; 978-3-658-11994-2
SchlagwörterDatenerhebung; Entscheidung; Selbsteinschätzung; Selbstkonzept; Schuljahr 05; Schuljahr 09; Schüler; Schulerfolg; Lernprozess; Messung; Konzeption; NEPS (National Educational Panel Study)
AbstractIn educational science, the idea of self-concept is well-known to be substantially correlated with learning behavior, decision making, and academic performance (cf. Shavelson and Bolus 1982; Helmke and van Aken 1995; Bong and Clark 1999; Kaufmann 2008). Therefore, it is a crucial concept in educational research, with importance for different purposes. In the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), the measurement of self-concept needs to meet the requirements of several stages over the life course: academic self-concept during elementary school and high school, as well as a more general dimension of self-concept after leaving the highly structured context of educational institutions and entering the labor market. This task can be performed due to the hierarchical structuring of selfconcept (cf., e. g., Shavelson et al. 1976; Marsh and Shavelson 1985; Marsh 1987; Lichtlein 2000). By distinguishing between two major levels, general self-concept on the one hand and domain-specific self-concept on the other, it is possible to monitor the individual's perception of him- or herself across the complete life course. This article outlines the insertion of self-concept measures used in the NEPS. Information on the theoretical concepts is given, and the chosen measures of investigation are introduced. Subsequently, selected results of students in the 5th and 9th Grade are presented. (Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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