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Autor/inn/enMeghir, Costas; Pistaferri, Luigi; Fryer, Roland G.; Manning, Alan; Acemoglu, Daron; Autor, David; Boeri, Tito; Moretti, Enrico; Almond, Douglas; Black, Sandra E.; Devereux, Paul J.; Bertrand, Marianne; MacLeod, W. Bentley; Bloom, Nicholas; Van Reenen, John; Oyer, Paul; Schaefer, Scott
Sonst. PersonenAshenfelter, Orley (Hrsg.); Card, David (Hrsg.)
TitelHandbook of labor economics.
Vol. 4B.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Handbuch der Arbeitsökonomie. Band 4B.
QuelleAmsterdam: Elsevier (2010), 1061 S.
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ReiheHandbooks in economics
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-0-444-53452-1; 978-0-444-53468-2
SchlagwörterBildung; Bildungschance; Chancengleichheit; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Soziale Mobilität; Generation; Bildungsökonomie; Bildungsertrag; Segmentierung; Diskriminierung; Mobilität; Rassismus; Reformpolitik; Arbeitsbeziehung; Arbeitsrecht; Humankapitaltheorie; Investition; Konsum; Lohntheorie; Personalmanagement; Personalwirtschaft; Produktivität; Produktivitätseffekt; Wettbewerb; Arbeitsmarkt; Arbeitsmarktanalyse; Arbeitsmarkttheorie; Arbeitsökonomie; Regionaler Arbeitsmarkt; Arbeitsvertrag; Differenz; Dualität; Geschlechtsspezifik; Handbuch; Theorie; Institution; Ausländer
Abstract"What new tools and models can economists use to understand how individuals participate in labor markets? 'Developments in Resarch Methods and Their Applications' (volume 4A) and 'New Developments and Research on Labor Markets' (volume 4B) propose answers to this and other questions on important topics of public policy. By mixing conceptual models and empirical research, leading labor economists demonstrate how better data and advanced experiments help them apply economic theory, yielding sharper analyses and conclusions. Their chapters reveal how labor economists are developing new and innovative ways to measure key parameters and test important hypotheses." Die Untersuchung enthält quantitative Daten. Forschungsmethode: Dokumentation; wissenschaftstheoretisch; Grundlagenforschung; empirisch. (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku). Contents: Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri: Earnings, Consumption and Lifecycle Choices (773-854); Roland G. Fryer: Racial Inequality in the 21st Century: The Declining Significance of Discrimination (855-971); Alan Manning: Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market (973-1041); Daren Acemoglu, David Autor: Skills, Tasks and Technologies - Implications for Employment and Earnings (1043-1171); Tito Boeri: Institutional Reforms and Dualism in European Labor Markets (1173-1236); Enrico Moretti: Local Labor Markets (1237-1313); Douglas Almond, Janet Currie: Human Capital Development Before Age Five (1315-1486); Sandra E. Black, Paul J. Devereux: Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility (1487-1541); Marianne Bertrand: New Perspectives on Gender (1543-1590); W. Bentley MacLeod: Great Expectations - Law, Employment Contracts and Labor Market Performance (1591-1696); Nicholas Bloom, John Van Reenen: Human Resource Management and Productivity (1697-1767); Pyul Oyer, Scott Schaefer: Personnel Economics - Hiring and Incentives (1769-1823).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
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