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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenWankel, Charles (Hrsg.); Marovich, Matthew (Mitarb.); Stanaityte, Jurate (Mitarb.)
TitelCutting-edge social media approaches to business education.
Teaching with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, and blogs.
QuelleCharlotte, NC: Information Age Publ. (2010), vi, 344 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheResearch in management education and development
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-617-35116-4; 1-617-35117-2; 978-1-617-35116-7; 978-1-617-35117-4; 978-1-61735-118-1
SchlagwörterLernen; Computerunterstützter Unterricht; Interaktive Medien; Soziale Software; Studium; Betriebswirtschaftslehre; USA
AbstractTechnologies that bring learners collaboratively together with the world / Charles Wankel -- Defining interactive social media in an educational context / Aditi Grover and David W. Stewart -- Teaching and learning with Skype / Alanah Mitchell, Charlie Chen, and B. Dawn Medlin -- Social media for the MBA professor. a strategy for increasing teacher-student communication and the tactics for implementation / Allen H. Kupetz -- Applications of social networking in students' life cycle / Vladlena Benson, Fragkiskos Filippaios, and Stephanie Morgan -- User-generated content in business education / Domen Bajde -- Facebook "friendship" as educational practice / Eva Ossiansson -- Using Second life for teaching management of creativity and innovation / Gary Coombs -- Social media engages online entrepreneurship students / Geoffrey R. Archer and Jo Axe -- Intersection of regulations, faculty development, and social media. limitations of social media in for-profit online classes / Hamid H. Kazeroony -- Real lessons in virtual worlds. using virtual world technology to educate and train business students / Natalie T. Wood -- Uses, challenges, and potential of social media in higher education. evidence from a case study / Suling Zhang, Caroline Flammer, and Xiaolong Yang -- The use of social media and networks in teaching public administration. perceptions, practices, and concerns / Thomas A. Bryer and Baiyun Chen -- Social media strategies for the academic department. a three-phase framework / Irvine Clarke III and Theresa B. Flaherty -- Social media overload. what works best? / Walkyria Goode and Guido Caicedo -- Curriculum redesign. engaging net generation students through integration of social media in business education / Jeanny Liu and Deborah Olson.
Erfasst vonZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel
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