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Autor/inWilson, Peter
TitelBig idea, small steps.
The making of credit-based qualifications.
QuelleLeicester: NIACE (2010), XIV, 321 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 304-311
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-86201-439-6; 978-1-86201-439-8
SchlagwörterBildungsstandards; Berufliche Qualifikation
AbstractThe book traces the development of the new Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) from its initial announcement in July 2003 through to its implementation in November 2008. It also examines in some detail the history of credit systems in the UK in the two decades and more prior to 2003 and shows how these credit systems have evolved since the early 1980s and have influenced both the design and the policy intentions of the QCF. Peter Wilson has a unique insight into this subject. He was involved in some of the early work on developing local credit systems, as well as acting as Principal Adviser to the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority on the design of the QCF itself. (Verl.).
Erfasst vonDeutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung - Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen, Bonn
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