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Autor/inGriffith, Sally F.
TitelLiberalizing the mind.
Two centuries of liberal education at Franklin & Marshall College.
QuelleUniversity Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press (2010), x, 502 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege; Geschichte (Histor); Lancaster; Pennsylvania
Abstract"A narrative history of Franklin & Marshall College. Combines analysis of historical context and institutional development with accounts of the college during crucial periods such as the Civil War and the 1960s."--Provided by publisher. Contents: Introduction. Mind awakening mind: a college and its mission -- Franklin College: "to make good men and useful citizens" -- Marshall College: Christian bildung on the frontier -- Early Franklin & Marshall: upholding tradition and classical education -- A modern awakening: negotiating change in the 1890s -- Liberal culture in service of efficiency, 1900-1918 -- Building a greater Franklin & Marshall, 1919-1934 -- The college in depression and war, 1935-1946 -- The academic revolution: setting the stage, 1946-1956 -- Academic revolution meets counter-revolution, 1956-1962 -- Academic revolution meets the sixties revolt, 1962-1968 -- Reasoning with the whirlwind, 1968-1970 -- Retrenchment and reassessment, 1970-1982 -- Enriching liberal education, 1983-2002.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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