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Autor/inTargonska, Joanna
TitelTheoretische Überlegungen zu Kollokationen in DaF-Lehrwerken.
Paralleltitel: Collocations in coursebooks for German as a foreign language - theoretical considerations.
QuelleIn: Prace jezykoznawcze, 17 (2015) 3, S. 125-136
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1509-5304; 2450-0801
SchlagwörterDidaktik; Unterricht; Kollokation; Vokabular; Wortschatz; Wortschatzarbeit
AbstractThis paper focuses on theoretical considerations of how the notion of collocation is treated in handbooks for teaching German as a foreign language. First, the notion of collocation was presented and then the reasons for its relevance in FLT handbooks were given. Next, the form in which collocations should be incorporated into foreign language teaching and learning materials was discussed. The author assumes that handbooks should present collocations in a form facilitating development of collocational knowledge, collocational awareness, as well as receptive and productive knowledge of collocations. The main part of the paper demonstrates examples of exercises, which stimulate development of all components of collocational competence. (Orig.).
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