Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/in | Epstejn, Alek Davidovic |
Titel | Unterricht für die Kinder der Anderen. Lehrer aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Israel nach dem Ende der Massenimmigration. Paralleltitel: Educating others' children. Teachers from the former Soviet Union in Israel in the post-mass-immigration period. |
Quelle | In: Bildung und Erziehung, 68 (2015) 4, S. 459-471Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
PDF als Volltext (1); PDF als Volltext (2) |
Sprache | deutsch |
Dokumenttyp | online; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 0006-2456; 2194-3834 |
DOI | 10.7788/bue-2015-0406 |
Schlagwörter | Soziale Anpassung; Lehrer; Schüler; Einstellung (Arbeitsrecht); Anerkennung; Netzwerk; Ausländer; Migrant; Russe; Herkunftsland; Israel; Sowjetunion |
Abstract | Mass immigration from the FSU to Israel took place from 1989 to 2000, so now a number of Russian-speaking immigrant pupils in local schools is very limited. Those who arrived at their school age have already finished their studies, and Israeli-born children, as well as immigrants from France or Ethiopia (two countries that contributed the highest number of immigrants to Israel during the last years), are not really 'natural clients' of the 'Russian' immigrant teachers' educational networks. In order to survive, immigrant teachers' networks have no other choice but to address another population of students than it was during the 1990s, which is not an easy task at all. (DIPF/Orig.). |
Erfasst von | DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main |
Update | 2017/1 |