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Autor/inBochenek, Martin
TitelVlijanie avtorskoj ucebnoj programmy po fiziceskoj kul'ture na turisticeskuju dejatel'nost' skol'nikov.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Der Einfluss des Autorenlehrprogramms für Körperkultur auf die touristische Aktivität der Schüler.
QuelleIn: Teorija i praktika fiziceskoj kul'tury, (2015) 4, S. 62-64Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterErziehungsziel; Schulwanderung; Wandern; Schüler; Aktivität; Übungsprogramm; Programm; Sozialerziehung; Bewegung (Motorische); Körpererziehung; Körperkultur; Radwandern; Sport; Sportaktivität; Sportpädagogik; Trainingsprogramm; Skitourismus; Tourismus
AbstractEducational tasks cannot be realized by contemporary school without tourist activity which should serve as the main factor supporting didactic and educational process. The purpose of the presented research is to define the influence of the author's own programme realized during extra physical education classes on the tourist activity of pupils. The author's tourist programme was based on five educational areas: adventure and tourist education, physical education, regional education - cultural heritage in the region, ecological education and socio-moral education. It included lessons and after-school outdoor activities in view of active forms of tourism in all seasons. In the programme particular educational areas were interconnected so that proper proportions between physical activity and learning content and skills were sustained. The tasks required proper training both before the trips and during their realization. The classes were held regularly during lessons and after them. The realization of the programme required such forms as thematic trips (walking, cycling, kayaking, skiing), sightseeing trips, tourist and sightseeing events such as rallies, hikes, hiking camps, canoeing rallies and collecting tourist and sightseeing badges. These activities were based on the cooperation with social organizations and various institutions and individual tourism organizers.Tourism is not a popular way of spending free time among the examined pupils. The most popular active forms selected by the respondents were hiking and cycling tourism. The author's programme titled "Tourism in my region - tourism for children" influenced the way the subjects used their leisure time and increased their participation in active forms of tourism. The implementation of attractive and varied activities based on the author's own programme considerably influenced an increase in tourist activity of the respondents. It is worth drawing attention of organizers to the variety of forms of tourism and highlighting its health, social and educating values. Due to the fact that it increases activity, the participation in tourism should give pupils knowledge and skills and shape proper attitudes towards physical activity. Verf.-Referat.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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