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Sonst. PersonenLichy, Jessica (Hrsg.); Birch, Chris (Hrsg.)
TitelAdvanced business models in international higher education.
QuelleNewcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2015), vi, 132 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-4438-7211-3; 978-1-4438-7211-9
SchlagwörterLehrplan; Geschäftsmodell; Globalisierung; Wirtschaftshochschule
AbstractContents: - Facing Change and Challenge in an Era of Creative Destruction / Jessica Lichy and Chris Birch. - Using Business Model Stereotypes to Explore Strategic Innovation in Higher Education / Victor Newman. - The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Supporting Innovation in SMEs: University-based Incubators and Student Internships as Knowledge Transfer Tools / Athina Piterou and Chris Birch. - Towards a Model for University-Industry Collaboration through SME Workshops and Innovation Vouchers, With Transferable Practices for other European Markets / Jerry Allen. - Embedding Modernisation through a New Business Model / Jessica Lichy, Alexandre Kozlov and Ekaterina Dzhaim. - Benefits and Challenges of International Mobility in Higher Education / Eilis O'Leary and Fiona O'Riordan. - Tearing Down Physical Boundaries through Globally-focused Online Education: An Indian Perspective / Prashant Pereira. - The Innovative Business Model of Rotterdam Academy / Bert Reul. - The Engaged Business Model for Higher Education: Transforming Academia in the 21st Century / Frederic Bill and Erik Rosell. - Extending and Accelerating Global Business-Education Partnerships / Dylan Kissane and John Farrell.
Erfasst vonZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel
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