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Autor/inMiquel-Vergés, Joan
TitelCambios de paradigma en la evaluación del aprendizaje: estudio de caso.
QuelleAus: Ramiro Sánchez, María Teresa (Hrsg.); Ramiro Sánchez, Tamara (Hrsg.); Bermúdez Sánchez, María Paz (Hrsg.): FECIES 2013. Granada (2013) S. 1064-1071
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Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterEvaluation; Fallstudie; Vergleich; Lehrer; Lernen; Lehrmethode; Adaptation; Spanien
AbstractIn the process of adaptation to the new EHEA framework, in order to get an effective teaching & learning, we must not only impart knowledge and skills but also we should devote our efforts to make students learn. In this new scenario teachers must rethink both the organization and teaching methodology, and the methods of assessment of learning. With this in mind, we will conduct a case study of the gradual adaptation of a given subject from previous URA frame (the University Reform Law of 25 August, 1983, in Spain) to the new ECTS frame. We will restrict ourselves to the comparison of the academic results obtained over the four ECTS academic courses and we will implement their corresponding representative graphs. Finally, we will try to interpret the data obtained adopting different approaches.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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