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Sonst. PersonenUhlenwinkel, Anke (Hrsg.)
TitelTeaching about the family values of Europeans.
Critical reflections from the third student exchange of the EVE-project.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Lehre über die Familienwerte der Europäer. Kritische Reflektionen zum dritten Schüleraustausch des EVE-Projekts.
QuellePotsdam: Univ.-Verl. Potsdam (2013), 134 S.
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ReihePotsdamer geographische Praxis. 3
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBildung; Forschungsmethode; Vergleichende Forschung; Gender; Familie; Frau; Multikulturelle Gesellschaft; Individualisierung; Lehrmethode; Curriculum; Lehrplan; Nachsozialistische Gesellschaft; Politische Bildung; Wertorientierung; Arbeitsmarkt; Beruf; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; Modernisierung; Theorie; Europäische Union; Forschungsprojekt; Deutschland; Slowakei
Abstract"The European Values Education (EVE) project is a large-scale, crossnational, and longitudinal survey research programme an basic human values. The main topic of its second stage was family values in Europe. Student teachers of several universities in Europe worked together in multicultural exchange groups. Their results are presented in this issue." (publisher's description). Contents: I. Introductory Remarks: Josja Rokven, Inge Sieben and Loek Halman: Family (9-16); Anke Uhlenwinkel: On the Importance of Using Appropriate Concepts and Theories (17-22); Clare Brooks: The EVE Curriculum Framework - the Third Instalment (23-30); II. Challenges of Education in Turkey: Havva Ayse Caner and Fatma Nevra Seggie: Gender, Student Achievement, and Regional Discrepancies (31-36); Daniela Baars, Adem Dal and Esra Simsek: Relating to Students (37-44); Emrah Gültekin, Dursun Karaduman and Ines Weiser: Describing Differences and Similarities (45-52); Pinar Akcay, Ece Düser, Hannes Nozon and Christian Strehmel: Deepening Understanding (53-60); Janine Groell, Caroline Stern and Pelin Turgut: Developing Critical Thinking (61-66); Kadriye Demirci, Didem Tugge Erdem and Elisa Kanera: Developing Lessons on the Basis of Lesson Plans/Strategies (67-74); Fethiye Erbil, Lisa Rogge, Nazile Sen and Markus Siwick: Working in a Multicultural Group (75-84); III.Challenges of Education in Slovakia: Michal Pazicky: Development of (Geography) Lessons after the Autonomy of Slovakia (85-88); Matej Chlapik, Lenka Lisková, Carola van den Broek and Marloes Willemse: Relating to the Students (89-96); Lenka Malchova, Zdenko Majer and Pieter Laban: Describing Differences (and Recognising Similarities) (97-104); Sander Bechtold, Thirza Hogendoorn, Vivien Kúhutová and Katarína Potocanová: Deepening Understanding (105-110); Jakub Medved', Tomás Matisovsky and Maico Suijkerbuijk: Developing Critical Thinking (111-116); Diana Povalacova, Marjon Leffers and Evelien Scheepens: Developing Lessons (117-122); Hanneke Kools, Daniela Oleksakova and Róisín White: Working in a Multicultural Group (123-130).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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