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Autor/inNewman, Daniel S.
TitelDemystifying the school psychology internship.
A dynamic guide for interns and supervisors. 1. publ.
QuelleNew York: Routledge (2013), XVI, 186 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-0-203-80421-6; 978-0-415-65709-9; 978-0-415-89732-7
SchlagwörterSchulpsychologische Beratung; USA
Abstract"Newman has used his many years of experience working with interns and field supervisors to create this guide to the school psychology internship process to address these common concerns. He provides a comprehensive overview of the school psychology internship process from start to finish, describing actions that can be taken to promote a high quality, dynamic internship experience. Emphasis is placed on the idea that the internship year is a dynamic and formative experience, not a static event, and that interns and supervisors both must be active planners, coordinators, and shapers of the experience"-- Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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