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Autor/inFaas, Daniel
TitelThe Nation, Europe, and Migration.
A comparison of geography, history, and citizenship education curricula in Greece, Germany, and England.
QuelleIn: Journal of curriculum studies, 43 (2011) 4, S. 471-492Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0022-0272; 1366-5839
SchlagwörterCurriculum; Geografieunterricht; Geschichte (Histor); Migration; Politische Bildung; Europa
AbstractNational curricula are being challenged and transformed by the impact of migration and European integration. This paper examines how cultural diversity and Europe are intertwined in geography, history, and citizenship education curricula in Greece, Germany, and England. This question is explored using quantitative and qualitative methods through a case study of curriculum content and discourses of 5 years compulsory schooling in all three countries. One might expect Germany and Greece, which have historically embraced a more monocultural vision, as having largely similar approaches. Yet, the cross-national analysis illustrates that the relationships between European and multicultural values are put together in rather different ways depending on the school subject. Whilst history is ethnocentric in all three countries, Greek geography and citizenship curricula veer between ethnocentrism and Europeanism. In contrast, in England, notions of multicultural Britishness are reinforced in geography and citizenship education. German curricula privilege national and European topics, but attempts have been made to address diversity, particularly in geography. Curriculum analyses have hitherto largely focused on either national and European dimensions or multicultural and global dimensions. This study provides new insights into how these dimensions intersect and their combined effect on migration and citizenship education in European societies.
Erfasst vonIPN - Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik an der Universität Kiel
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