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Autor/inn/enDüwel, Dieter; Grün, Jennifer von der
TitelSpringtime for Germany - or How I Learned to Love Lederhosen. An Englishman's Experiences when Travelling in Germany (ab Jahrgangsstufe 10).
QuelleIn: Englisch betrifft uns, (2011) 5, S. 5-11Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStereotyp; Vorurteil; Schuljahr 10; Schuljahr 11; Interkulturelles Lernen; Unterrichtseinheit; Lektüre; Englischunterricht; Tourismus; Deutschland
AbstractThere is probably no other country that is more exposed to national stereotypes and prejudices than Germany. Although stereotypes are often considered to be harmless sorts of jokes we tell about other nationalities, they can be dangerous because they often contain a certain amount of truth and can provoke racial prejudice. The presented suggestions are based on an extract from the book Springtime for Germany or How I Learned to Love Lederhosen written by Ben Donald in 2007. The author decides to travel around Germany presuming that, in terms of tourism, Germany has traditionally 'been up there with Taiwan and North Korea'. In the course of his journey he experiences a number of places and people who 'unwittingly contributed to his newfound love and understanding of their country'. (Verlag, adapt.).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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