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Autor/inCarris, Joanne M.
TitelGhosts of no child left behind.
QuelleNew York u.a.: Lang (2011), XII, 221 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheCounterpoints. studies in the postmodern theory of education. 361
BeigabenLiteratur- und URL-Angaben S. [205]-218
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-4331-0547-0; 978-1-4331-0547-0
SchlagwörterBildung; Bildungsauftrag; Pädagogisches Denken; Bildungsgeschichte; Chancengleichheit; Bildungsstandards; Bildungspolitik; Schulpolitik; Schulsystem; Bildungsprogramm; Curriculum; Unterrichtsmethode; Lesefertigkeit; Leseförderung; Ungleichheit; Gesetz; Großstadt; Soziokulturelle Bedingung; 20. Jahrhundert; Benachteiligung; Kritik; Leistungsmessung; Strategie; Erwachsener; Jugendlicher; New York, N.Y.; USA
Abstract[This book] politically situates curriculum within a historically and critically informed context, to understand the structural forces that have contributed to the creation of a population of adolescents who read below a third grade level. The book then proposes a reconceptualization of literacy curriculum within a critical discourse to facilitate self-actualizing pedagogy for non-reading adolescents - some of whom are incarcerated. Rooted in a complex understanding of teaching, learning, and knowledge, this book presents information to policymakers, administrators, and educators that is vital to improving literacy instruction, curriculum, and policy. The information presented here can also inform the general public, especially parents, so that they may advocate for an educational infrastructure that promotes empowering literacy development for every student, including non-reading adolescents and younger struggling readers. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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