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Autor/inn/enDagkas, Symeon; Koushkie Jahromi, Maryam; Talbot, Margaret
TitelReaffirming the values of physical education, physical activity and sport in the lives of young Muslim women.
QuelleAus: Benn, Tansin (Hrsg.); Pfister, Gertrud (Hrsg.); Jawad, Haifaa (Hrsg.): Muslim women and sport. London: Routledge (2011) S. 13-24Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheInternational studies in physical education and youth sport
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterKultur; Konfliktlösung; Soziale Integration; Soziale Norm; Geschlechterforschung; Gesundheitsförderung; Kulturkonflikt; Islam; Religion; Bewegungsaktivität; Sportaktivität; Sportförderung; Sportpolitik; Sportsoziologie; Sportunterricht; Mädchen; Großbritannien
AbstractThe chapter reaffirms the values of physical education, physical activity and sport in the lives of young Muslim women by beginning with a review of macro support dimensions in the form of international declarations and government commitments that support the right of all people to participation in these areas. The disadvantaged position of women necessitated specific attention, as did the position of Muslim women. The authors move on to review the literature on physical activity and health, with particular attention to ethnic diversity and physical activity health issues. Issues of religiosity, as well as the interface of faith and arenas of physical activity for girls, are discussed, as are possible structural barriers to faith identity in Muslim minority contexts. It is recognised that positive or negative attitudes towards sport-related activities are shaped in micro situations, participation environments and interactions with teachers/coaches and peers. While, in Islamic countries such as Iran, sporting structures build in Islamic requirements for modesty in dress and sex segregation, Muslim women in more Westernised contexts can struggle to find conducive environments in which to practise physical activity. One case study that sought local solutions to parental withdrawal of Muslim girls from physical education in England is shared. Einleitung.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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