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Autor/inCiascai, Liliana
TitelComparative study on romanian school science curricula and the curriculum of TIMSS 2007 testing.
QuelleIn: Acta didactica Napocensia, 2 (2009) 2, S. 25-34Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1504-9922; 2065-1430
SchlagwörterTIMSS (Third International Mathematics and Science Study); Lernumgebung; Curriculum; Unterricht; Naturwissenschaften; Berufspädagogik; Europa; Rumänien
AbstractThe results of Romanian school students in Science PISA and TIMSS testings have been and continue to be systematically slack. In the present paper we intend to do a comparative analysis of Science curriculum TIMSS 2007 and Romanian Science school curricula of 4th and 8th grades. This analysis, based on Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive domain, identifies both the common points of these curricula and the system of competencies necessary to be developed for Romanian students in order to increase their results in international testings. (Orig.).
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