Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Sonst. Personen | Negrotti, Massimo (Hrsg.) |
Titel | Yearbook of the artificial. Nature, culture & technology. Vol. 3, Cultural dimensions of the user. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Jahrbuch des Artifiziellen. Natur, Kultur und Technologie. Band 3, Kulturelle Dimensionen des Nutzers. |
Quelle | Bern: P. Lang (2005), 249 S. |
Beigaben | grafische Darstellungen |
Sprache | englisch |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; Monographie |
ISBN | 0-8204-7556-4 |
Schlagwörter | Kultur; Wissen; Individualität; Suchmaschine; Dienst; Kleinkind; Natur; Übersetzung; Kunst; Technologie; Alltag; Konferenzschrift; Nutzung; Internet; Museum; Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung; Benutzer; Informationstechnologie; Online |
Abstract | "The concept of the user is not a well-established sociological concept even though the user is omnipresent in our culture as someone who uses a device, a machine, the internet or a public service. Due to the close relationship between man and technology user studies have become very important. The papers assembled in this volume were presented at the 5th International Conference on 'The Culture of the Artificial' - The User of the Artificial (Ascona Switzerland, Monte Verità, 23-25 April 2004). They deal with various aspects of the figure of the user." (author's abstract). Content: Massimo Negrotti: Humans and naturoids: from use to partnerships (9-15); Danila Bertasio: Between seductions and banalities: the case of art on the web (17-32); Elena Bettinelli: Religions on the Internet: a comparison between different kinds of websites and users (33-45); Monica Bordegoni/Umberto Cugini/Rossella Mana: Novel interaction methods exploit designers' skills (47-63); Luciano Celi: 'It's like if': the power of exhibits in Science Centres and Museums between immersion und illusion (65-81); Gianugo M. Cossi: The user of contemporary art (83-99); Franco Fileni: Licence of use: the new owners of knowledge (101-111); Giuseppe Lanzavecchia: A conceivable model for user: fields and attractors (113-122); Julian Locke: On-line machine-based natural-language translation: a new approach (123-131); Riccardo Manzotti/Vincenzo Tagliasco: Towards an artificial user: the 'what' problem for an architecture capable of developing new goals (133-146); Lella Mazzoli/Roberta Bartoletti/Giovanni Boccia Artieri: The artificial in everyday life: social uses of communication technologies (147-156); Sabrina Moretti: Citizens, users, society: a sociological survey (157-173); Teresa Numerico/Roberto Cordeschi: Meno's dilemma and web mining: the influence of search engines on the discovery process (175-187); Giacomo Romano: The problem of the individuation of artifacts (189-201); David Smith: Fly's Eye View: an investigation of the impact of the experience of using a VR system on young children's understanding of representation and reality (203-214); Mariselda Tessarolo: Transition of the relation between artist and user to that between culture supply and demand (215-224); Laura Verdi: The places of the users (225-238); Maria Romana Zorino: The client-assigner of cultural artifacts. (239-249). |
Erfasst von | GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim |
Update | 2006/4 |