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Autor/inBosacki, Sandra Leanne
TitelThe culture of classroom silence.
QuelleNew York: Lang (2005), XX, 220 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAdolescent cultures, school & society. 31
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterPädagogische Psychologie; Stille
AbstractInhalt: The cultural landscape of adolescence: shifting silences -- Autonomy, identity, and silence -- Silence and voice during adolescence. empirical evidence -- Why are the silences of adolescents special? -- The shifting landscape of adolescence. sociocultural perspectives on gender, sexuality, and literacies -- Silence and social relations in adolescents -- Spirituality, silence, and language -- Spirituality: a brief overview -- Spirituality, religiosity, and faith development -- Conceptions of mind and models of spirituality. historical and -- Theoretical issues -- Contemporary psychological perspectives on silence and spirituality -- Faith, and self-development -- Trust, faith, and moral language -- Spirituality and the moral self -- Conceptions of mind and models of teaching and learning. role of the spiritual -- Voice -- Child as doer (the silent servant) -- Child as knower (the silent listener) -- Child as thinker or epistemologist -- Child as poet or subjective epistemologist.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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