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Autor/inn/enZiegler, Albert; Stoeger, Heidrun
TitelDifferential effects of motivational orientation on self-confidence and helplessness among high achievers and underachievers.
QuelleIn: Gifted and talented international, 19 (2004) 2, S. 61-68Infoseite zur ZeitschriftVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0738-7849; 1533-2276
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Leistungsversagen; Motivation; Begabtes Kind; Begabung; Begabter
AbstractIn the literature a learning goal orientation is considered to be adaptive in achievement contexts, an avoidance goal orientation as maladaptive and an approach orientation has led to mixed results. In this article, arguments will he presented as to why these general findings cannot be transferred to gifted students. In an empirical study it could be demonstrated that among gifted underachieving male students an avoidance and an approach orientation could be linked, as expected, to unfavorable expressions of confidence in one's own ability for mathematics as well as to helplessness in mathematics - however, the same was true for a learning goal orientation. Among achieving boys and girls as well as among underachieving girls, a learning goal orientation was coupled with favorable values regarding confidence in one's own ability for mathematics and helplessness - the same was found, however, for an approach orientation and an avoidance orientation. (Verlag).
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