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Autor/inStipiniene, Migle
Titel8 metu amziaus vaiku pradiniu plaukimo mokejimu kaita per mokslo metus.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Die Veränderung der anfänglichen Schwimmfähigkeiten achtjähriger Kinder im Verlauf des Schuljahres.; Change in initial swimming skills of 8-year-old children during the school year.
QuelleIn: Sporto mokslas, 16 (2021) 1=99, S. 47-52
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1392-1401; 2424-3949
SchlagwörterLeistungsentwicklung; Grundschule; Litauen; Schulsport; Schwimmunterricht; Sportpädagogik; Leistungsentwicklung; Grundschule; Primarbereich; Schulsport; Schwimmunterricht; Sportpädagogik; Litauen
AbstractAim. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the swimming program for second grade students. Methods. Pedagogical observation method was used in this study: swimming lessons in the pool were observed. An observation protocol was developed to record the data, with exercises broken down by the levels of difficulty. The work of the coaches was also monitored and evaluated. Two classes of second grade pupils (n = 49) from Klaipeda S. Dachas Progymnasium participated in the study. The study participants ranged from 7 to 9 years of age. Other study participants were the swimming coaches (n = 4, 2 men and 2 women) who led the lessons. The study was conducted in two phases and took place during the school year 2018-2019. Results. Over the course of the implementation of the nine-month swimming training program, the study found that during the first assessment 30.6% of the children felt very good in the water, while 22.4% of the children had excellent breathing skills. After 31 sessions (during the third assessment), 89.9% of children were found to perform well in these aspects. The main indicator of the program's efficiency was the following test: after jumping into the pool, the students were required to swim 50 meters, changing swimming styles: 25 meters on the back and 25 meters on the chest. Assessing this test after 31 sessions, 65.3% of students performed very well, 24.5% were average, and 10.2% of children performed poorly. The results of the evaluation of the process of teaching how to swim and behave safely in and near the water revealed that although the coaches did make mistakes, most of the training process was conducted competently and professionally. Conclusion. During the implementation of the programme two thirds (65.3%) of the study participants learned to swim. One third of the students lacked swimming sessions and they did not learn to swim very well. The change in performances revealed that 18 sessions are not enough to learn basic swimming exercises and how to swim. (Autor).

Sio tyrimo tikslas - istirti 8 metu amziaus mokiniu pradiniu plaukimo mokejimu kaita per mokslo metus. Siekiant tikslo buvo iskelti sie uzdaviniai: ivertinti vaiku fizini parengtuma ir vaiku pradinius gebejimus vandenyje; ivertinti, kaip kinta 8 metu amziaus vaiku gebejimai plaukti, taikant 20 pamoku programa; nustatyti vaiku plaukimo pazanga per mokslo metus. Pradinio mokymo plaukti programoje dalyvavo 21 (n = 21) astuoneriu metu amziaus vaikas. Grupe sudare 12 mergaiciu ir 9 berniukai, turintys silpnus plaukimo igudzius arba visai nemokantys plaukti. Plaukimo treniruotes vyko 7 menesius, viena karta per savaite po 45 minutes. Pradinio mokymo plaukti programa sudare 20 akademiniu valandu. Fizinio pasirengimo ir plaukimo igudziu vertinimo testa sudare dvi dalys: pratimai sausumoje ir vandenyje. Siekiant ivertinti vaiku fizini pasirengima, sausumoje buvo pasirinkta atlikti lankstumo testa, plaukimo igudziu testavimas buvo atliekamas baseine, vertinama buvo balais nuo 1 iki 3. Buvo vertinamas: lankstumas, ritmiskas kvepavimas, slinkimas, plaukimas krauliu bei nugara ir suoliai i vandeni. Tyrimas parode, kad 8 metu vaikai turi silpnus plaukimo gebejimus. Mokant plaukti, butina daug demesio skirti lankstumo pratimams sausumoje. Pravedus 20 pamoku ugdomaja plaukimo programa, rezultatai rodo, kad ji turejo teigiama poveiki 8 metu vaiku plaukimo gebejimu formavimuisi. Visi vaikai gebejo ritmiskai kvepuoti vandenyje, pluduriuoti vandenyje ir atlikti slinkima pilvu panerus galva po vandeniu. 95,24 % vaiku gebejo nuplaukti krauliu ir nugara 25 m ir atlikti saugu suoli i vandeni. Slinkimo nugara pratima gebejo atlikti 85,71 %. The aim of this study was to investigate the change in the initial swimming skills of 8-year-olds during the school year. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to assess children's physical fitness and children's initial abilities in water; to assess how the swimming abilities of 8-year-old children change using a 20-lesson program; to determine the progress of children's swimming during the school year. 21 (n = 21) eight-year-old children participated in the initial swimming training program. The group consisted of 12 girls and 9 boys with weak swimming skills or no swimming skills at all. Swimming workouts lasted for 7 months, once a week for 45 minutes. The initial swimming training program consisted of 20 academic hours. The physical fitness and swimming skills assessment test consisted of two parts: exercises on land and water. In order to assess the physical fitness of the children, a flexibility test was chosen on land, swimming skills testing was performed in the pool, scores ranged from 1 to 3. Flexibility, rhythmic breathing, crawling, crawling and back and jumps into the water were assessed. The study showed that 8-year-olds have poor swimming ability. When teaching to swim, it is necessary to pay close attention to flexibility exercises on land. After conducting a 20-lesson educational swimming program, the results show that it had a positive effect on the formation of swimming abilities of 8-year-old children. All children were able to breathe rhythmically in the water, float in the water, and perform crawling on the abdomen by dipping their head underwater. 95.24%. Children were able to swim breaststroke and backstroke 25 meters and make a safe jump into the water. 85.71% were able to perform the sliding exercise on the back. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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