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Autor/inKenklies, Karsten
TitelAlienation and in-habitation.
The educating journey in West and East.
QuelleAus: Lewin, David (Hrsg.); Kenklies, Karsten (Hrsg.): East Asian pedagogies. Education as formation and transformation across cultures and borders. Cham: Springer (2020) S. 121-134
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ReiheContemporary philosophies and theories in education. 15
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-030-45672-6; 978-3-030-45673-3
SchlagwörterBildungstheorie; Historische Pädagogik; Allgemeine Pädagogik; Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft; Haiku; Japanologie; Bildungsreise; Humboldt, Wilhelm von; Deutschland; Japan
AbstractThe concept of "the whole world as a school" is deeply rooted in the European tradition. We find it in Nicholas of Cusa as well as in texts of Paracelsus, Alsted, and Comenius. And not much younger is the practice that embodies this concept like no other: the educating or formative journey, or - as it is known in German: die Bildungsreise. (Verlag).
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