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Autor/inWassong, Stephan
TitelThe 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games as a platform for Pierre de Coubertin's educational internationalism.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Die Olympischen Spiele 2020 in Tokio als Plattform für Pierre de Coubertins pädagogischen Internationalismus.
QuelleIn: Diagoras, 4 (2020), S. 174-187
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterErziehung; Pädagogik; Ideologie; Erziehungswissenschaft; Konflikt; Kulturaustausch; Frieden; Wertesystem; Internationalismus; Soziale Bewegung; Olympische Idee; Paralympics; Sportgeschichte; Sportpädagogik; Komitee; Olympische Spiele; Nationales Olympisches Komitee; Zuschauer; Coubertin, Pierre de; Korea; Tokio
AbstractThe first edition of the modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1896. From 6th to 15th April 262 athletes from 13 nations competed in 9 sports or 43 disciplines. At the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games more than 11.000 athletes from 206 National Olympic Committees (NOC) can be welcomed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Without doubt, the increase of the numbers of athletes would have been welcomed by the founder of the modern Olympic Movement Pierre de Coubertin as he planned the modern Olympic Games as an international platform for exchange between athletes and spectators of all countries ideally. The educational idea behind this, its contemporary meaning and probable relevance for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are analysed in this article. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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