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Autor/inApel, Felix
TitelHollywood's influence on the transmission of historical images. Lars Kraumes' Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer.
QuelleAus: Zumhof, Tim (Hrsg.); Johnson, Nicholas K. (Hrsg.): Show, don't tell. Education and historical representations on stage and screen in Germany and the USA. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt (2020) S. 115-130
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ReiheStudien zur Deutsch-Amerikanischen Bildungsgeschichte / Studies in German-American Educational History
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-7815-2397-5; 978-3-7815-5828-1
SchlagwörterHistorische Pädagogik; Historische Bildungsforschung; Bildungsgeschichte; Beeinflussung; Film; Filmanalyse; Mediengeschichte; Medienpädagogik; Unterhaltungsfilm; Informelles Lernen; Didaktik; Drama; Geschichte (Histor); Geschichtsbewusstsein; Geschichtsbild; Geschichtsdarstellung; Geschichtskultur; Geschichtsvermittlung; Historisches Denken; Zeitgeschichte; Nationalsozialismus; Filmwirtschaft; Globalisierung; 20. Jahrhundert; Darstellung; Deutschland; USA
AbstractThe author discusses the concept of historical images and how storytelling conventions pioneered in early twentieth-century Hollywood became global practices. His contribution uses the film Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer (2015) as a case study for the creation and transmission of historical images on film. The film, a dramatization of Fritz Bauer's involvement with the capture of Adolf Eichmann, explores the Attorney General's life before he served as lead prosecutor at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials (1963-1965). He analyzes the ways that Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer utilizes storytelling techniques pioneered in Hollywood to construct historical images of the Hessian Attorney General while simultaneously perpetuating well-worn myths about Bauer's private life. For the author, the film exemplifies our current globalized film culture, where differences in national filmmaking styles have largely fallen by the wayside in favor of films that appeal to more global, transnational audiences connected to streaming services and no longer dependent on the theatrical distribution model. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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