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Autor/inHochbruck, Wolfgang
TitelLiving history as an educational tool and method in North America and Germany.
QuelleAus: Zumhof, Tim (Hrsg.); Johnson, Nicholas K. (Hrsg.): Show, don't tell. Education and historical representations on stage and screen in Germany and the USA. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt (2020) S. 81-97
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ReiheStudien zur Deutsch-Amerikanischen Bildungsgeschichte / Studies in German-American Educational History
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-7815-2397-5; 978-3-7815-5828-1
SchlagwörterHistorische Pädagogik; Historische Bildungsforschung; Bildungsgeschichte; Life-Event-Forschung; Beeinflussung; Rollenspiel; Informelles Lernen; Lernprozess; Didaktik; Inszenierung; Geschichte (Histor); Geschichtsbewusstsein; Geschichtsbild; Geschichtsdarstellung; Geschichtskultur; Geschichtsunterricht; Geschichtsvermittlung; Historisches Denken; Zeitgeschichte; Amerikabild; Bürgerkrieg; Internationale Beziehungen; 20. Jahrhundert; Darstellung; Deutschland; USA
AbstractIn addition to documentary theater, performances that reenact historical events with amateur actors prove to be a form of historical theater that keeps memories alive. Looking at the historical re-enactments at the Offenburger Freedom Festival in Germany or Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, the author draws attention to the entangled German-American history of the Civil War and discusses the limits and possibilities offered by historical reenactments for history and civic education. He argues that besides the accepted forms of experimental archeology and living history programs in openair museums, historical theater - with students both as actors and audiences in live-action roleplay - can create positive effects for school curriculum-based learning processes. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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