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Autor/inn/enMabweazara, Smart; Leach, Lloyd; Ley, Clemens; Smith, M.; Jekauc, Darko; Dave, Joel A.; Levitt, Naomi; Lambert, Estelle Victoria
TitelPhysical activity behaviors of persons living with HIV of low socioeconomic status.
Domain, intensity and sociodemographic correlates.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Bewegungsverhalten von HIV-infizierten Personen mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status. Domäne, Intensität und soziodemographische Korrelationen.
QuelleIn: AIDS care, 31 (2019) 2, S. 255-259
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildung; Fragebogen; Verhalten; Krankheit; AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome); Demografie; Soziale Schicht; Bewegungsverhalten; Sportmedizin; Lebensführung; Erwachsener; Mann
AbstractPhysical activity (PA) is healthy for People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). This study examined the PA profile of 978 PLWHA based on PA domains and PA intensity. The study also sought to determine whether employment status and level of education can predict PA among PLWHA of low SES. PA and sociodemographic data of 978 PLWHA of mean age 35 (8.77) years were collected using the global physical activity questionnaire and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Results showed that, participants engaged more in work-related PA [160.11 (346.95) min/wk], followed by transport related PA [115.21(SD = 142.04) min/wk], and lastly in leisure related PA [40.84 (SD = 110.37) min/wk]. Participants also engaged more in moderate PA [265.86 (SD = 335.45) min/wk], than in vigorous PA [50.29 (SD = 205.30) min/wk]. Employment was a significant predictor of overall PA controlling for age, CD4 count and education level. The model explained 2.5% of the variance (R2 = 0.025) on overall PA and tested significant at a 0.01 alpha level (p ( 0.01). PA interventions for this population should be domain- and intensity-specific. Researchers promoting healthy lifestyle behaviour change can benefit from determining the factors that facilitate domain-specific PA. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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