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Autor/inn/enPalumbo, Antonio; Scott, Alan
TitelRemaking market society.
A critique of social theory and political economy in neoliberal times.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Erneuerung der Marktgesellschaft. Eine Kritik der Gesellschaftstheorie und politische Ökonomie in Zeiten des Neoliberalismus.
QuelleLondon: Routledge (2018), 236 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheRoutledge Frontiers of political economy. 231
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterEuropapolitik; Gesellschaftstheorie; Integrationspolitik; Neoliberalismus; Politische Ökonomie; Reformpolitik; Sozialpolitik; Marktwirtschaft; Privatisierung; Ökonomisierung; Hochschulsystem; Liberalisierung; Öffentlicher Dienst; Europäische Union; Großbritannien
Abstract"Neoliberalism has been one of the most hotly contested themes in academic and political debate over the last 30 years. Given the global and persistent influence of neoliberal ideas on contemporary styles of governance, social-service provision, and public policy, this intensive interest is understandable. At the same time, the use of the term has become loose, vague, and over-extended, particularly in the extensive critical literature. Rather than engage in further critique, or in the reconstruction of the history of neoliberalism, this volume seeks to bring analytical clarity to the ongoing debate.; Drawing inspiration from the work of the Hungarian economic historian, Karl Polanyi, Remaking Market Society combines critique, original formulations, and case studies to form an analytical framework that identifies the key instruments of neoliberal governance. These include privatization, marketization, and liberalization. The case studies examine the development of neoliberal instruments (reform of the British civil service); their refinement (reform of higher education in England and Wales); and their dissemination across national borders (EU integration policies). Rather than look back nostalgically on the post-war welfare-state settlement, in the final chapter the authors ask why the coalitions that supported that settlement broke down in the face of the neoliberal reform movement." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
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