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Autor/inn/enJansen-Schulz, Bettina; Magens, Sandra
TitelAdvancing excellent teaching through academic governance and human resource development.
QuelleAus: Jansen-Schulz, Bettina (Hrsg.); Tantau, Till (Hrsg.): Excellent teaching. Principles, structures and requirements. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verl. (2018) S. 37-51Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 48-51
Spracheenglisch; englische Zusammenfassung
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-7639-5991-4; 978-3-7639-5992-1
SchlagwörterPlanung; Förderung; Lehre; Personalentwicklung; Karriere; Universität; Akademischer Mittelbau; Hochschullehrer; Hochschullehre; Qualität; Lübeck; Schleswig-Holstein
AbstractWhy are career paths within universities important for good teaching? Most of the teaching at universities is carried out by the so-called Mittelbau: young researchers who are typically very interested in teaching (Wissenschaftsrat, 2017, p. 32). Their employment contracts are usually limited in time, and they have a very tight time budget for teaching, since their academic careers are mainly based on research activities for which there are internationally accepted criteria. Teaching is only marginally important. In tenure procedures, teaching experience is often a requirement but there are no standardised criteria to judge the quality of teaching. The time for teaching, its preparation and implementation, the development of new teaching concepts, etc. is scarce for young researchers and they often work on their syllabi in their spare time. In this chapter, we present the approach taken by the University of Lübeck towards supporting young researchers with a strong interest in offering excellent teaching: teaching as a university career path. Our focus will lie on professional development and organisational development regarding the improvement of teaching - a focus that is often addressed in the literature but rarely discussed in depth. CONTENTS: 1 Framework Conditions at the University of Lübeck (38). - 2 Qualifying Staff for Internal and External Careers (38). - 2.1 Organisational Structure of Training and Staff Development (39). - 2.2 Development of Career Paths within the University (40). - 3 Careers in Teaching (41). - 4 Careers in Science Management (42). - 5 Organisational Development and Staff Development in Science (43). - 6 Outlook (47). (zhb/text adopted).
Erfasst vonZentrum für HochschulBildung - Technische Universität Dortmund
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