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TitelOECD compendium of productivity indicators 2018.
QuelleParis: OECD (2018), 137 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterIndikator; Größe; Messung; Einkommen; Kosten; Produktivität; Unternehmen; Wettbewerb; Wirtschaft; Arbeit; Arbeitsmarkt; Beschäftigungssystem; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Internationaler Vergleich; Daten; Einflussfaktor; Wachstum; Betrieb; OECD-Staaten
AbstractThe OECD compendium presents a broad overview of recent and longer term trends in productivity levels and growth across OECD countries and key partner economies. It highlights the key measurement issues faced when compiling cross-country comparable productivity indicators and describes the caveats needed in analyses. It examines the role of productivity as the main driver of economic growth and convergence, and the contributions of labour, capital and multifactor productivity to economic growth. It looks at the contribution of individual industries or sectors as well as the role of firm size in productivity performance. It explores the link between productivity, trade and international competitiveness, and analyses trends as compared with cyclical patterns in labour and multifactor productivity growth. (Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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