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Autor/inn/enGiese, Martin; Ruin, Sebastian
TitelForgotten bodies.
An examination of physical education from the perspective of ableism.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Vergessene Körper. Schulsport aus der Ableismus-Perspektive betrachtet.
QuelleIn: Sport in society, 21 (2018) 1, S. 152-165
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1461-0981; 1743-0437; 1743-0445
SchlagwörterIndividualisierung; Inklusion; Körper (Biol); Körperkultur; Schulsport; Sportsoziologie; Sportunterricht; Körperbild; Deutschland
AbstractContemporary social interpretations of the body are multifaceted, and in some cases paradoxical. Looking at the field of sport, there exists a global trend for (normalized) physical self-optimization on the one hand, and the struggle to achieve acceptance of (bodily) diversity triggered by the societal claims for inclusion on the other hand. Thus, this theoretical paper seeks to subject social practices in the area of sport (with a main focus on Physical Education in schools in Germany) to critical reflection especially in the light of inclusive ideals, using the perspective of ableism. The meaning of the body in Physical Education in Germany is examined in an explorative and hermeneutic manner. The observations make clear that there are numerous barriers facing the project of inclusion at all levels. In addition to obvious problematic implications in sport, the examinations reveal that conceptual and curricular approaches also imply exclusionary potentials that increasingly shift the focus onto the individual and his or her self-determined and self-reflected movements in the world. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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