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Autor/inElster, Doris
TitelPrevent plant blindness through inquiry - results of the European project INQUIRE.
QuelleAus: ICERI 2013. Proceedings CD. 6th international conference of education, research and innovation, Seville, Spain. 18-20 november, 2013. IATED (2013) S. 1522-1531Verfügbarkeit 
DokumenttypCD-ROM; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterEvaluation; Fragebogenerhebung; Tagebuch; Europäisches Bildungsprogramm; Lehrerausbildung; Forschendes Lernen; Außerschulischer Lernort; Biologieunterricht; Pflanze; Biodiversität; Klimawandel; Nachhaltigkeit; Professionalisierung; Hochschule; Kurs; Bremen; Bremerhaven; Deutschland; Europa
AbstractThe un-capacity to realize plants as important living beings and to recognize their importance for human beings and the biodiversity is called 'plant blindness' [...]. The enhancement of plants is one of the key issues of the FW7 European project INQUIRE (Inquiry based Teacher Training for a Sustainable Future). In this project 17 partners - most of them botanic gardens - coming from 11 countries work together in a 3-years network coordinated by the University of Innsbruck in Austria. INQUIRE focuses on the implementation of IBSE (Inquiry-Based Science Education) in formal and informal settings by developing, testing and running teacher training courses. The thematically focus of these courses lays on the challenges of the 21th century, biodiversity loss and climate change. The Institute of Biology Education of the University of Bremen is one of the INQUIRE partners. In close cooperation with the Green Science Centre botanika in Bremen and the Science Center Climate in Bremerhaven [the author] developed the teacher training course 'INQUIRE for Students'. In this course teacher students, active teachers, botanic garden educators, scientists and science educators built a 'Community of Learners' to develop IBSE activities and materials. [The author] wanted to promote a model of the learner as an autonomous and independent thinker who is capable of dealing successfully to prevent 'plant blindness' . The focus of the course evaluation laid on two levels: on the personnel level [the author] wanted to know more about student teachers' development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), on the system level [she was] interested in the success of the 'Communities of Learners' and the implementation of the course in the teacher education curriculum. For the course evaluation [she] used qualitative and quantitative methods: research diaries, World-Café-method, questionnaires (pre-post-design). The findings indicated the professional growth of the participants and the successful implementation in the regular pre-service education of ongoing primary and secondary biology teachers.
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